VoiceThread Docs / Web Application / ThreadBox / Submitting a VoiceThread to a ThreadBox

If you are an administrator for a ThreadBox or if submissions have been allowed, there are two ways to add a VoiceThread.

  1. Navigate to the ThreadBox where you want to contribute a VoiceThread.
  2. Click on “Add to ThreadBox” near the top-right corner. add_vt_to_threadbox.png

There are three sources from which you can add a VoiceThread.

  1. Select from my VoiceThreads: Click here to pull up a list of the VoiceThreads you have created.  You can select one or more to submit to the ThreadBox. select_thread_for_threadbox.png
  2. Create a New VoiceThread: Create a new VoiceThread of your own from scratch, then submit it to the ThreadBox once you’re done.
  3. VoiceThread or ThreadBox URL: As long as the VoiceThread or ThreadBox you are trying to submit is yours or is already public, you can enter its link here to submit it.